Information for Applicants

The information in this section is for NS ISO applicants - the person starting the ISO process and who is applying under provincial ISO law. In other words, this information is for:

  • anyone living in Nova Scotia;

  • who is applying to get an order, or change an order;

  • for child support or spousal support;

  • where the other party lives outside of Nova Scotia, in another province/territory within Canada or a reciprocating jurisdiction outside of Canada,

  • you were never married to the other party; and,

  • OR you are married, and only separated, with no divorce ever being filed.*

*There is one exception to this “divorce rule” which is explained in the Divorce Act ISO Guide here.

If you are the respondent in this process - the person responding to the application, rather than the person who started it - click here to go to information for respondents.

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