What do I file to start the Divorce Act ISO Process?

To start the Divorce Act ISO process, you must complete one of the following:

  • a support application, if you’ve not had a support order before (Form A.3);

  • a support variation application, if you are asking to change a support order (Form A.4).

Along with the application document - Form A.3 or Form A.4 - there will be other forms to file, based on your situation. Along with the links on this website, you can get ISO forms by requesting them from a family law lawyer, or by visiting your local family law court. Apart from Form A, the same forms are used for Divorce Act ISO and NS ISO.

The checklists below can help you determine which forms to file. There is a Guide for each form that will help you to complete it. 



If you are applying for a NEW support order (i.e. you do you already have a support order), click here

If you are applying to change an existing order and you PAY supportclick here.

If you are applying to change an existing order and you RECEIVE supportclick here.

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