
Welcome to the lexicon page. This lexicon is a list of common legal family law terms, in both English and French. The lexicon consists of 960 family law terms, displayed alphabetically, along with information about where the family law term may be found in different Acts, Rules, Regulations or Guidelines.

The lexicon is different than the glossary. The glossary provides definitions of family law terms. Please remember, words have a precise meaning and may not be interchangeable. Different terms may have different meanings based on the specific area of law or the context in which they are being used.

Please note that the lexicon is a working document and, consequently, users should verify the appropriateness of the French equivalents in relation to their matter. A lawyer is in the best position to advise you about your legal rights and responsibilities. For more information about where to get legal advice, click here.

Family Law Nova Scotia Lexicon English/French

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